Cannabis Coconut Oil
- 21-28 grams
- 1 tbsp sunflower lecithin
- 1 cup coconut oil
- Cheesecloth
- Aluminum foil
- Cookie sheet
- Slow Cooker
Step 1: Decarboxylate
- Preheat oven to 240°.
- Break up your material (bud or trim) but do not grind.
- Place your material on a cookie sheet or shallow baking pan covered in aluminum foil and spread out in a thin, even layer.
- Cover with aluminum foil and place it in the oven for an hour.
Step 2: Slow Cook
- Combine 1 cup of organic coconut oil with1 tbsp sunflower lecithin (liquid or granules) in crock pot set on low or warm (150° -160° F is ideal).
- Stir in 14 grams of dried marijuana or marijuana flower and trim. If using trim only try 21-28 grams.
- Cover and stir every 30-45 minutes.
- Simmer 2-3 hours. Turn off and let cool.
- Once cool, strain through cheesecloth. It’s easiest if you use small wire strainer with a handle to catch the bulk of your material. Holding this over a bowl that has had several layers of cheesecloth secured over it with rubber bands works really well.
- Twist your cheesecloth, which should now have gross organic material all over it, into a ball. Now squeeeeeeze that medicine out into the bowl until you’ve got every drop or your hand gets tired, either one.